

Santore, D. (2008). Romantic relationships, individualism and the possibility of togetherness: Seeing Durkheim in theories of contemporary intimacy. Sociology42(6), 1200-1217.

l   在親密關係的脈絡下涂爾幹提醒我們思考個人旨趣與社會義務之間的關係個人發展與集體連帶以及兩者之間相互強化的關係是親密關係理論的核心關懷。
l   社會約束力逐漸不再像過去那麼穩固個人的自我實現在我們這個時代越木人人越重要

l   涂爾幹《社會分工論》以及Riesman’s The Lonely Crowd (2001) to, more recently, Bellah et al.’s Habits of the Heart (1985) and Wuthnow’s Acts of Compassion (1991) and Putnam’s Bowling Alone (2000). 涂爾幹的提問What happens to communal ties as individualism in its many forms progresses? Does society become increasingly fragmented and self-interested or does it retain some common cohesiveness, and how so?

1.          當代親密關與治療型文化的角色(1970s-1980s)
2.          透過家庭社會學觀看親密關係(1980s-1990s的討論)
3.          歐洲視角看親密關係:制度的個體化與反身性
4.          親密關係與性別的問題
當代親密關係的文化為(1) emphasis on self-disclosure and mutual understanding between romantic partners; (2) grounding in personalized ideologies of self-development and other therapeutic ideals; and (3) expanded consciousness of individual rights and ideals of gender egalitarianism in relationships.(1210)

1.      從涂爾幹的角度來思考當代的個體主義不只作為社會差異(social difference)的源頭也作為相聚(togetherness)的源頭。Such a move was already under way in Cancian’s 1980s and Giddens’s 1990s work on intimacy; Bellah’s earlier work also outlined models of more and less socially integrative individualisms. Giddens’s theory of individualized commitment in contemporary relationships seems a useful kind of ‘third way’ framework for imagining individually internalized devotion to a collective good (Lichterman, 1995) in intimacy. The type of intimate solidarity envisioned by Giddens allows women and men to internalize, in a self-enriching manner, obligations toward a romantic other. (換言之當浪漫愛突破了封建愛匯流愛是雙方都對彼此內化了浪漫愛而從不顧一切的愛情轉變成為顧及他人的愛情)對紀登斯來說,民主地協調親密關係意味著伴侶間必須透過「能調整修正的對伴侶及關係之承諾(commitment)來平衡個體之間的自由與自律。(權利義務相伴但可修改協商)但這個論點的規範性意味太重(你們應該如何如何…)有點說教的感覺
2.      或者有必要對當代親密關係進行拓展性的研究以便含入對親密關係地景的多面向思考像是婚姻或同居關係可以納入諸如風險、社會不安、治療型論述意識形態以及想當然爾的親密關係的理性化這些概念在理論上重要但在經驗上卻是研究較少的性別與家庭學者已經作了一些研究不過多是關於關係中個體性的性別模型較少從理性化、反身性或其他新的社會力量的思考
當代理論已不再視自我實現與公共參與為互斥的二分選擇A way ‘out of the box’ appears to lie in a cautiously optimistic vision of contemporary intimacy: as fostering egalitarian, democratic and individually fulfilling bonds while engendering durable connections between romantic partners and to society more generally
