
[摘要] Can there be a Nietzschean sociology?.

Runciman, Walter G. (2000). Can there be a Nietzschean sociology?. European Journal of Sociology/Archives Européennes de Sociologie, 41(1), 3-21.


本文目的: My aim is simply to answer the question: what sort of a sociology do we get if we (sociologists, that is) take Nietzsche's arguments about human history and psychology as seriously as we can? (p.3)

兩種說法:(不可能有社會學/我們已經有了韋伯社會學)The first is to say that if you follow Nietzsche's arguments to their conclusion you cannot have a sociology of any kind at all. The second is to say that we already have a Nietzschean sociology to hand in the writings of Max Weber. (p.6)



(從兩篇演講與新教倫理來看,作者評價韋伯說不上是尼采主義者,因為)The  principal reason for which Weber's own sociology is, nevertheless,  uw-Nietzschean is that he remained too much both of a materialist and of a structural-functionalist in the broad sense in which most historical  and comparative sociologists have been and still are. (p.8)

(6) Eugène Fleischmann, De Weber à  Nietzsche, Archives européennes de sociologie V  (1964), 190-238.  
(7) Wilhelm Hennis, Max Weber. Essays in Reconstruction (tr. Tribe, London: Allen and  Unwin, 1988), Chapter 4: 'The Traces of  Nietzsche in the Work of Max Weber' (first  published in 1986 in the Jahrbuch der Akade  mie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen).  
(8) Robert Eden, Political Leadership and  Nihilism: a Study of Weber and Nietzsche  (Tampa: University of Southern Florida  Press, 1983), p.42.

(1)First, the 'will to power' is the driving force of history: it explains the observed outcome of human sociocultural evolution as nothing else does. 權力意志作為歷史動力
(2)Second, the will to power expresses itself differently in different historical and social contexts. (權力意志隨歷史社會脈絡而異)
(3)Third, these propositions apply to the explanation of human beings' own attempts to explain their history and impose their chosen explanations on one another. (這些命題可能被人類用來解釋自身與他人之歷史)
(4) Fourth, since these three propositions are themselves a product of the will to power, they can be assessed only by reference to the particular historical and social contexts in which the will to power has found expression. (既然這些命題都是權力意志之產物,唯有座落於特定歷史與社會脈絡下,這些權力意志才能表達出來) (p.9)


從權力意志的角度重新思考我們的科學(學科),那麼我們將會在政治、經濟、社會解釋之外,看到學者們如何以「非關利益」之名,將他們的利益暗嵌於對於世界的解釋過程中。 (Sociologists are neither forgers nor fantasists. But we  have now to see through new eyes the actions and motives not only of  political, economic and religious leaders, but of the scholars who study  them in the hope of realizing their supposedly disinterested ambition to  arrive at what they suppose to be 'the' truth; and from this it follows that  there is an inescapable constraint on the possibility of extending our  would-be wissenschaftlich discoveries about human history and psychology beyond a much narrower limit than the pedants, professors and  priests have hitherto persuaded themselves and the Volk who mistakenly  look up to them.) (p.10)
        唯有帶著權力意志之眼,我們才能自系譜學視角,看到百科全書式知識的權威及其隱藏的權力關係。(it leads to the conclusion that the minds of human beings, including not least professional practitioners of Wissenschaft, are full of ideas which  can first of all be exposed to view and then unmasked as illusions; and only from that conclusion, which is itself wissenschaftlich, does there follow the notion that the encyclopaedic professorial treatises on human history and psychology could be replaced to advantage by collections of aphorisms—unfashionable though even those of the 'masterly soul searcher' La Rochefoucauld have become. HATH, 35,36〉) (P.10)

The Gay Science (§40): 'Oddly, submission to powerful, frightening, even terrible persons, like tyrants and generals, is not experienced as nearly so painful as is submission to unknown and uninteresting persons, which is what all captains of   industry are’.

作者回答說,為什麼像這類的洞見不能進入教科書?因為他們更重描述性,而不是解釋性。(The answer to these questions is that Nietzsche is right to see himself  as doing something other than what the conventional academic practi  tioners of the 'unnatural' sciences are doing. It is not only because of his own very personal just-so stories about the evolution of mankind and his own very idiosyncratic pronouncements about free spirits, supermen and eternal recurrences—to say nothing of his curious views about women or food. It is also because his aphorisms about the human condition, like those of the other aphorists whom he admires, are only  incidentally and in part hypotheses of cause and effect. They are more  descriptive than they are explanatory(p.11)而且尼采希望讀者從自己的角度看見,而不是要求讀者從作者的角度來觀察(譬說說,他跑得更快了,因為他的腎上腺素增加了,這就是作者要求讀者觀察的角度)。

(說不存在無前提的假設,不意味著我們不能假設。而尼采的格式則像是維根斯坦所說的,幫助我們看見盲點的工具。)The function of a Nietzschean  aphorism, by contrast, is much more akin to what would be called in  Wittgensteinian terms the correction of 'aspect-blindness' in the  reader—including, it may well be, the inability which Wittgenstein  deplored to see that what the reader supposes to be a causal question is in  fact a conceptual one (14) (p.13)

(格言,與尼采的社會學的社會學) The recourse to aphorism is imposed on the would-be Nietzschean sociologist not as a retreat into either scepticism or  ubjectivism but as a  corollary of Nietzsche's sociology of sociology.能幫助知識份子除自身的魅(或所謂知識迷障)。 It is the least self deluding way of talking about the pursuit, distribution and exercise of  power in a world, including an intellectual world, which anyone of good  intellectual conscience must acknowledge to be a 'disenchanted'.

(尼采的支配理論,正是突顯了權力意志說在知識追求上之真誠)The implicit Lehre von den Herrschaftsgebilden is the  Entwicklungslehre of the will to power as it finds different expression in  different social contexts, most if not all of which either distort or repress what only a Nietzschean sociology can reveal to be its workings.社會學的分析,並不在社會學規則之外,我們都在權能意志之中,伴隨權能意志,運用權能意志而生。

To the reader who questions the grounds on which such a sociology lays claim  to a validity which rival sociologies are denied, Nietzsche's answer is  there in The Gay Science (§265) where he asks 'What then in the last  resort are the truths of mankind?' and replies 'They are the irrefutable  errors (unwiderlegbaren Irrtümer) of mankind. (p.14)

演化生物學對於權能意志的反駁(不是只有支配,還有合作,也是生物本能,也因而,所謂無法反駁的錯誤,這個說法,也適用在尼采自己所提的權能意志的觀點上)Sociology is still about structures of  power. But it is not all about the will to power. It is about the complex  and varying interplay between relations of domination and of cooperation in human institutions, communities and societies of different kind.


在《超越善惡》一書第192節,尼采說,我們已經習於說謊。作者用了這節,談社會學已不再檢視自身的基礎,而自以為真理。尼采,能夠幫助我們擁有自知之明。(s. A Lehre von den Herrschaftsgebilden, even if it goes no  further than to expose the Herrschaftsgebilden which are intrinsic to the  institutional practice of sociology itself, will to that extent have trans  cended successfully the 'premature hypotheses, the fictions, the good  stupid will to "believe", the lack of suspicion and patience' which he  says will be found by anyone who studies the historical development of  any individual Wissenschaft (BGE, §1(p.17)

一旦引入了尼采的社會學,我們將看見知識場域內部的競逐,以及維持真誠(Wahrhaftigteit)的艱困。我們甚至可以說尼采的社會學與百科全書派的社會學,是相互依賴的鏡像。甚至連真誠本身,都是一種虛構,後尼采的社會學者,如何面配支配學說對於世界理念的解釋?(A post Nietzschean sociologist like Weber analyzing the pursuit, distribution  and exercise of power in human societies is accordingly to be likened not  to a post-Newtonian astrologer or post-Darwinian creationist so much  as to a post-Gödelian number theorist who struggles to prove new  theorems (and sometimes succeeds) in full awareness that if axiomatic set theory is consistent there are theorems which cannot be proved or disproved and that axiomatic set theory itself cannot be proved to be free of any possible contradiction. It is in this sense that a Lehre von der Herrschaftsgebilden can claim Wahrhaftigkeit even after conceding that  Wahrheit is an illusion.) p.19

