
4th day writing an exciting day about debate

I get up early, walk around 中正memorial hall, and eat breakfast. The market is very intesting, and I write down what I see in the morning. I read Professor 葉's Book, and write some memo on my board on the PTT2. Boa asks me some question, then I answer, and I deviate the topic. I didn't keep my emotion from discussing between and got crazy about writing. After lunch with Sing, I came back and kept writing and responsing. I couldn't control myself and typed too much. I complained the institution, the automoshere between classmates etc. I felt very tired and very exhausted. Too much negatvie thouth in my mind. I ate dinner with Sing. We ate at 日本洋食 at noon, and ate at 盛園小籠包 at night. How delicious food are in the both restaurant! After dinner, took Sing her home, and I went to Boa's place, waiting for him. I met Boa, and discussed with him. We got some conclusion:

1. We must keep and stimulate discussing.
2. When discussing, without too much emotion. Just talked things and don't blur things together.
3. God help those who help themselves.
4. We must do something, then we can say something.
5. Read book seriously and learn hard.
6. A viewpoint is always a point of view. (觀察點問題)

That's all. Discussing with friends is so wonderful!
