關於本書,我讀了第一章與第九章,一方面是以google scholar的引用次數作判斷,另一方面,則是以研究興趣作為判斷。
底下簡要紀錄筆記,在第一篇Caplan的回顧性文獻當中,Caplan指出最早從 文化面向分析食物的李維史陀及後續的Douglas,但Goody認為應看到社會面向;而Mintz則認為應該考慮歷史面向。但這些研究較少談到消費與健
康的關連。健康不見得是人們消費食物的唯一原因,小孩子吃垃圾食品有時候是因為他們覺得這樣子反抗了父母等權威,很爽。(4-6)第二個部份,本文提到食 物消費作為個人選擇的說法,是一種怪罪受害者的說法。
第九篇的文章指出健康促進的討論,大部分關注於商業的自由,但鮮少提及商業的責任。 (190)作者提到食物政策(173),營養專家,還有二戰以後的營養改善,當時的重心在於健康教育,但在1970年代以後,則轉變成為健康促進,但這些 健康促進的說法忽略了生活風格之影響,而有營養學化約之問題。作者主要根據的討論是Lupton的討論。作者文章也引用Longfield(1990)的 說法,指出包裝標示應該視為廣告(178)。作者說"Healthy eating is clearly a
political issue and the majority of 'information' about food and health is
driven by commercial considerations, particularly in terms of advertising and
product descriptions and, more implicitly, by the government's reluctance to
intervene in the 'freedom' of the market.→導致食品產業的參與者對於政府及產業之間的關係感到懷疑。常民更依賴自身身體化的知識,或者說,常民的流行病學來對食品作出判斷,而這種
書名: Food,
Health and Identity: Approaches from the Social Sciences
Edited by Pat
London and New
York: Routledge 1997
Chapter 1.
Introduction Pat Caplan
food as language, food as system
changing food practices
food, difference and identity
class and status
Fragmented identity: the subject,
the body and agency
Food and health
Risk and Reflexivity
Conclusion: Agency, Volition and
Chapter 2. Family
meals - a thing of the past? Anne Murcott (94)
Images, Realities and Aspirations
Real Images
History, Myth and Golden Ages
Family, household - and
Myth - and history
Chapter 3.
Marriages, weddings and their cakes Simon Charsley (8)
Chapter 4. How
British is British Food? Allison James (54)
Chapter 5. Fast
food/spoiled identity: Iranian migrants in the British catering trade Lynn Harbottle (33)
Chapter 6. 'Bacon
sandwiches got the better of me': meat eating and vegetarianism in South London Anna Willetts (35)
Chapter 7. Urban
Pleasure? On the meaning of eating out in a northern city Lydia Martens and Alan Warde
Chapter 8. 'We
never eat like this at home': food on holiday Janice Williams (25)
Chapter 9. Too
hard to swallow: the palatability of healthy eating advice Anne Keane (63)
Setting the scene: the historical context of health eating
Recent Context
Responsibility, health promotion and
Ethnographic Data
Obtaining information
Relevance of
information and assessments of risk
Scepticism about
information sources
Health professionals as
information sources
Information from
personal experience
Chapter 10. Being
Told What to Eat: Conversations in a Diabetes Day Centre Simon Cohn (18)
Chapter 11.
Health, heating and heart attacks: Glaswegian Punjabi women's thinking about
everyday food Hanna Bradby
Chapter 12.
Scaremonger or Scapegoat? The role of the media in the emergence of food as an
issue Jacquie Reilly
Chapter 13.
Declining Meat - past, present ...and future imperfect? Nick Fiddes (14)